What is documentary family photography?
Documentary family photography is capturing your family as you are, now. I see the beauty in everyday family life and I want to show them to you and your kids.
For families who see the magic in everyday.
I believe some of the best moments of childhood and parenthood happen during daily routines and ordinary family interactions. Life with kids is chaotic. But remembering it is all a phase will help us treasure all the moments- the humor, joy and tears. These documentary sessions are 6 hours and serve as a time capsule of your life at this moment. Families hire me because they want to remember what their life is like before they enter a different phase of childhood and parenthood. Great for families leaving Hong Kong and want to remember their routines here. These private photos will be treasured and visited again and again not for their posed smiles but for a glimpse into their lives at that particular moment and time.
Have you ever wished you could bottle up a bit of childhood magic?
Let them be wild and free and let me capture a slice of their personalities

Why do a documentary session?
Because you know everything is temporary. Because you know in 5 years all the daily chaos and joy you are experiencing now will seem so far away. Because you want photos remembering the mundane, the routines, their little personalities, and their current obsessions. Or you plan to move and you want to document what is here and now. Because later you know you will appreciate it all.
What can I expect when I book a session?
You can expect a call from me and we'll have a little chat first. I love to learn more about your family. We'll decide on a 6-hour slot, either morning or afternoon. I approach the session like a photojournalist, trying to capture loud and quiet moments as they happen naturally.
So, you spend half a day with us?
Yes, basically. Sometimes I'll be taking photos. Sometimes I'll ask a few questions. Sometimes I'm observing. After 20 minutes or so, you'll kind of forget I'm there. I'm looking for unique angles, interactions between family members, interesting compositions, action, laugher, tears, and even boredom. I look to capture different personalities, little gestures, small and big details that make your family who you are.
I'm not sure I'm ready to see the raw and unfiltered part of me or my family life.
Try jumping ahead decades. Think about your 70 year old self. That older person will look at these documentary photos of themselves and be envious. That person won't be bother by the same things you are bothered by now. Whether it is the wrinkles you see so clearly or how messy the countertops are or how wildly behaved the kids are. That person will see these photos and it will be a time machine pulling them back to this exact moment of your life. A lifestyle photo session won't be able to do the same thing. The details and unique context of these documentary photos are intimate. These may not be on holiday cards or social media. These photos are for you. The future you. For your children when they are adults and for when they want to see what their life was like at this exact moment.